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Tuesdays With Mr. Knoll (1/28/25)
George M. Malich

Our students continue to thrive and achieve, thanks to the joint efforts of our parents, staff, community members, and, of course, the students themselves.

It’s truly inspiring to see how everyone’s dedication and teamwork contribute to our nurturing and dynamic school community. Together, we are creating an environment where every student has the opportunity to grow and succeed.

Celebrating Excellence:

  • The Canfield Local School District will be celebrating National School Counseling Week February 3rd - 7th.  We are truly blessed to have amazing school counselors in our district that assist students in achieving school success and plan for a career.  A big “Thank You” to our counseling staff. You help make us Stronger Together!!

    Mrs. Tara Kalina
    Mrs. Candy Reed

    Mrs. Angela Lamping
    Mrs. Stephanie Ruark

    Mrs. Kristina Tokash

  • Congratulations to the following Canfield Cardinals travel basketball teams, who claimed championships in a highly competitive tournament at Chartiers Valley in Western Pennsylvania:

    3rd Grade Canfield Cardinals, Class of 2034
    Coaches: Mike Schneider and Anthony Scrocco
    Players: Joey Alexander, Maddox Clingan, Ethan DiLisio, Cam Kibby, Zane Schneider, Drew Scrocco, Austin Shook, Enzo Spano, and Nick Zenko

    4th Grade Canfield Cardinals, Class of 2033
    Head Coach: Ryan LaCivita
    Assistant Coach: Andy Vlajkovich
    Players: Anthony Chamoun, Michael Dovich, Landon Eaton, Parker Eckenrode, Will LaCivita, Mac Sahli, Drew Schmidt, Frankie Thomas, Milan Vlajkovich, and Jason Vodhanel

    5th Grade Canfield Cardinals, Class of 2032
    Head Coach: Mike Venrose
    Assistant Coach: Justin Vasiliades
    Players: Luca Abruzere, Anthony Biro, Luke Broderick, Camden Brown, Otis Cromer, Robby Komara, Theodore Sapp, Aidan Vasiliades, Anthony Venrose, and Derek Whitman

    Your hard work and dedication are inspiring—well done, Cardinals!

  • Congratulations to senior bowler Matthew Logan who was named the Top Scorer at the AAC Championships.  Matt bowled a 266 and 236!  Well done.

  • Congratulations to our Lady Cardinal basketball program.  After winning on Saturday night against Fitch, it marked the 900th victory in the CHS Girls Basketball program. Congratulations to Coach Reel and Coach Pavlansky who have been coaching for many of those wins. Go Lady Cardinals!!

  • Congratulations to CHS teacher Mr. Hoopes and the following CHS art students who participated in the Northeastern Ohio Regional Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony on Saturday at YSU:
    Breanna Hemming - Best in Show and a Gold Key for her work titled, “Look towards the Music Box” and her portfolio titled, “Deliberate Optimism”
    Addison Allen - Gold Key with her piece titled “Grace” and a Silver Key
    Catherine Simko - Silver Key
    Honorable Mentions were awarded to: Addison Allen, Falon Amedia, Noah Calabrette, Remy Daloise, Breanna Hemming, Aubrey Hermes, Raania Khan, Michael Lefoer, Catherine Simko, Mia Tisone and Kahlan Wolf.

  • Congratulations to our Canfield Band students who participated in the OMEA District 5 Honors Jazz Festival:  Adam Christy, Corinne Gear, and Evan Linko
  • Congratulations to the Canfield Speech & Debate Team that competed at the OSDA Youngstown District Tournament (State Qualifying).  At the conclusion of competition, we had 18 entries (19 team members) qualify for the 2025 OSDA State Tournament on February 28 - March 1.  The students qualifying for States and the categories they will compete in so far include:

    Shanze Bajwa
    Susana Vasquez

    Catherine Dieringer
    Inaya Khan
    Giada Lavanty

    Sarah Doss

    Emelina Pappalardo and Alexandra Pappalardo

    Sophia Nelson
    International Extemp:
    Noah Gilbert
    Faheem Moonda

    Lincoln-Douglas Debate:
    Arnav Bhide
    Emma Geisler
    Tarik Mashqbeh
    Jessica Robbins

    Original Oratory:
    Kathryn Semer

    Program Oral Interpretation:
    Amir Ali

    United States Extemp:
    Elise Campbell
    Abigail Hallos


Community Engagement: 

  • Our Hilltop and CH Campbell Kindness Club members didn’t let the snow and cold weather stop them from spreading joy! These thoughtful students and advisors arrived early before school to write motivational messages on Starbucks cups for distribution. We are so proud of our youngest Cardinals for their dedication to positively impacting our community!

Recent Successful Events:

  • The recent High School Winter Pep Assembly was a fantastic opportunity for both students and staff to relax, unwind, and have some fun! It was a great reminder of the incredible energy and camaraderie that make our school community so special!
  • Congratulations to Mrs. Mullins and the talented CHS Choir for an outstanding performance at the Dinner Theater event on Saturday. The Rockin’ America themed music and dancing was AWESOME.

Important Dates to Remember:

  • January 30, 2025: NHS Blood Drive, 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., in the CHS athletic foyer.
  • February 11, 2025: CHC "Destination America" 4th-grade performance, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  • February 13, 2025: Parent/Teacher Conference Night

    CHS/CVMS - 2:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

    CHC/HTP - 3:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Stay Connected:

Thank you for your continued support and for recognizing the remarkable achievements that make Canfield such an extraordinary place.

Mr. Knoll, Superintendent

  • C. H. Campbell Elementary School
  • Canfield High School
  • Canfield Local School District
  • Canfield Village Middle School
  • Hilltop Elementary School
Canfield Welcomes Newest Cardinals!
Canfield Local School District

The Canfield Local School District is announcing Kindergarten Registration for students residing in the district for the 2025-2026 school year.

An informational meeting will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium at Canfield High School. The meeting will be live-streamed on our YouTube Channel. A link to the meeting will be available on our website. The day after the meeting, parents/guardians may visit MyConferenceTime to schedule an appointment in April to begin the registration process. A link to MyConferenceTime will be posted on the district and school websites. General regulations for these students are as follows:

1. The child must be a resident of the Canfield Local School District.

2. Children entering kindergarten must have attained the age of five on or before August 1, 2025.

3. Children entering first grade must have attained the age of six on or before August 1, 2025, and must have completed a successful year in kindergarten.

4. The child’s original birth certificate must be presented at the time of registration.

5. Proof of residence must be presented at the time of registration, i.e. driver’s license and one of the following: purchase agreement for home, rental agreement, or gas or electric bill with residential address.

6. Divorce decree and/or proof of custody (if applicable) must be presented at the time of registration.

7. According to Canfield Local Schools’ Board of Education policy, the immunization record of the student must be presented to register the student for kindergarten. The record must be from a physician’s office or a health clinic.

Required immunizations do not need to be completed by registration, but must be presented. The Canfield Local Schools follow the requirements of Ohio law and the Ohio Department of Health. Pupils to be admitted to an elementary school must have written evidence that they have received the following immunizations before entering school in the fall:

• Four (4) or more of DTaP or DT, or any combination.
• Three (3) or more doses of IPV.
• 2 doses MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine.
• 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine given at the appropriate intervals.
• 2 doses of varicella vaccine (chicken pox).

If the child has not been immunized against any of the above-mentioned diseases because of a physician’s recommendation, or because of religious objections, the school must have a signed statement to that effect, which must be renewed each school year.

The Canfield Local School District is also conducting its Intensive Awareness Campaign. We are asking anyone in our district who is aware of or suspects they have a handicapped child to please contact Mrs. Shannon Miller, Director of Special Services, at 330-533-6219.

Students who are currently attending kindergarten in Canfield do not need to re-register for first grade.

  • C. H. Campbell Elementary School
  • Canfield Local School District
  • Hilltop Elementary School
Canfield Local School District Earns Top Marks
George M. Malich

The Canfield Local School District is proud to announce that it has once again achieved a 5-star overall rating on the Ohio School Report Cards, marking the second consecutive year of exceptional performance. The district significantly exceeded state standards across key performance areas, reflecting its commitment to delivering a high-quality education and ensuring every student’s success.

Superintendent Joe Knoll commended the collective efforts that contributed to this success: "We are incredibly proud to be recognized as the only district in Mahoning County with a 5-star rating. This achievement is a testament to the unwavering commitment of our educators, staff, students and the entire Canfield community to excellence in education."

The Ohio School Report Card, released annually by the Ohio Department of Education, provides an in-depth evaluation of schools and districts across the state. It assesses performance in several critical areas, giving parents and the public a clear understanding of how well schools are educating their students. The report cards provide clear information to guide decisions on school improvements, resource allocation and educational content while fostering discussions on improving district programs that may need additional support.

Key Components of the Ohio School Report Card:

Overall Rating: Schools and districts are rated from 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the highest. This rating is a comprehensive reflection of several performance measures.

Achievement: This component measures how well students performed on state tests and whether they met academic standards. It evaluates student proficiency against established benchmarks.

Progress: This indicator assesses the growth of students year over year, considering how much progress students make compared to their academic peers across the state.

Gap Closing: This component examines how effectively schools address the needs of specific student subgroups, such as economically disadvantaged students, students with disabilities and various racial/ethnic groups. The goal is to reduce achievement gaps and ensure equity.

With continued success in these critical areas, Canfield Local Schools has shown its dedication to fostering academic growth while nurturing the whole child in an inclusive, supportive environment. Aligned with the district’s mission to educate, motivate and innovate for lifelong success, Canfield remains focused on helping each student reach their highest potential.

For more detailed information about the Ohio School Report Cards, please visit the Ohio Department of Education’s website.

View the original press release here.

  • C. H. Campbell Elementary School
  • Canfield High School
  • Canfield Local School District
  • Canfield Village Middle School
  • Hilltop Elementary School
2024-2025 Digital Calendar
George M. Malich

Check out our 24-25 digital calendar!

  • C. H. Campbell Elementary School
  • Canfield High School
  • Canfield Local School District
  • Canfield Village Middle School
  • Hilltop Elementary School