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Bullying, Harassment, and Title IX

Bullying and Harassment:

Anti-Harassment, Anti-Intimidation or Anti-Bullying As per Ohio Legislative House Bill 276, the Ohio State Board of Education Anti-harassment, Anti-intimidation or Antibullying Model Policy, and this School District’s Board of Education Policy.

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying behavior by any student/school personnel in this school district is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. “Harassment, intimidation, or bullying”, in accordance with Ohio law, means any intentional written, verbal, graphic or physical acts including electronically transmitted acts i.e., internet, cell phone, personal digital assistant (pda), or wireless hand-held device, either overt or covert, by a student or group of students toward other students/school personnel with the intent to harass, intimidate, injure, threaten, ridicule or humiliate. Such behaviors are prohibited on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided transportation or at any official school bus stop that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of: Causing mental or physical harm to the other student/school personnel including placing an individual in reasonable fear of physical harm and/or damaging of students’/personal property; and, is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student/school personnel. Anyone who witnesses or suspects that a student or adult is being harassed, intimidated, or bullied in any way should report it immediately to the building personnel.  

Board policy on bullying and other forms of aggressive behavior 

What is Title IX?

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational programs or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 

-- From the preamble to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities. All public and private schools, school districts, colleges and universities receiving federal funds must comply with Title IX.

The regulations implementing Title IX are enforced by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights and prohibit discrimination, exclusion, denial, limitation, or separation based on gender. Intended to end sex discrimination in all areas of education.


Reports and Complaints of Harassing Conduct

The Board is committed to promptly and equitably resolving student and employee complaints alleging Sexual Harassment. Members of the School District community, (students and Board employees, as well as, Board members, agents, volunteers, contractors, and all other third parties) are encouraged to promptly report incidents of harassing conduct to an administrator, supervisor or other School District official so that the Board may address the conduct promptly. Any administrator, supervisor, or other District official who receives such a complaint shall promptly notify a District Title IX Coordinator. Complaints can be received in person, by mail, by telephone or by electronic mail.

Investigation and Complaint Procedure

For a full description of the Canfield Local Schools policy relating to sexual harassment, including both formal and informal complaint procedures please visit Board of Education Policy 2266.

Canfield Local Schools Title IX Coordinators

The following individuals have been designated to serve as the District’s Title IX Coordinators. Such Coordinators are authorized to coordinate the District’s efforts to comply with its responsibilities under Title IX.

 Mrs. Shannon Miller, Director of Special Education & Gifted Services

100 Wadsworth Street

Canfield, OH 44406


 Mr. John VItto, Assistant Superintendent, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

100 Wadsworth Street

Canfield, OH 44406


The Canfield Local Schools Title IX Coordinator(s) have participated in training seminars provided by (1) the Mahoning County Educational Service Center and (2) the law firm of Walter|Haverfield. Training seminars cover all requirements for the effective implementation of Title IX in K-12 settings. All training materials are available below:

Title IX Regulations Compliance Training Links (Click on the title to view)

Session 1--Title IX Discipline And Its Impact On Student Due Process Rights 

Session 2--Duties Of A Title IX Compliance Officer 

Session 3--The Fundamentals Of Title IX 

Session 4--Changes To Title IX Regulations

Session 5--Areas Of School Operations Impacted By Title IX