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Chromebook Information

Canfield Schools Student 1:1 Devices:


Is getting a school issued ChromeBook a requirement?

  • Yes. This school-issued device is required for all students for instruction (certain apps are only available on school issued devices). Additionally, this device will be required for state and district testing.


Why is there no student wifi?

  • Students have access to Wifi on the school-issued Chromebook. There will be no access for personal devices as students have all necessary programs and capabilities on school issued devices for school assignments and class participation.


 What regulations govern school wifi?

  • The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) governs a school district’s capabilities to receive funding for telecommunication services as well as internet access. The regulation requires districts to provide safe and secure internet access. Issued school devices provide filtering unlike personal devices which allow the owner to circumvent security filters.


Are students able to use cellular devices and data?

  • Students are able to use their devices where permitted.  Students may use personal cellular service and data when using a cell phone.  The ability to use a cellular device is solely and completely related to the availability of cellular service from where the individual is attempting to make/receive a call/text. Access to wifi has no bearing on the ability to make/receive a cellular call/text.


What is the $30 used for? What happens if my child breaks his Chromebook? 

  • This is a Device Protection Plan to defray costs of repairs. The district studied many other school districts and $30 annual device protection plan (self-insurance) is actually lower than most schools. Chromebooks are to be returned at the end of your senior year or upon withdrawal from the school district. 

  • All repairs/replacements will be assessed a fee.  However, upon receiving a Chromebook, all students begin with a one time repair credit of $150.  You will only be billed for accidental damage after the credit is depleted.  The district is able to offer this credit in part with the help of the required annual $30 per student Device Protection Plan.  Intentional damage is billed immediately and is not eligible for credit use.  


Replacement Cost









Top Cover / Bottom Cover

$30 / $20




Cost will be assessed at time of repair


I have 5 children in the district, do I have to pay $30 for each of my children?

  • Yes, unless the student receives Free and Reduced Lunch.  This is separate from the technology fee at CHS which is used for infracture and internet access costs. This $30 is for device protection insurance for accidental breakage. 


Will my child be able to take the ChromeBook home?

  • Yes, CHS and CVMS students will be able to take Chromebooks home. Elementary students' Chromebooks will stay in the classroom unless remote learning is needed. 


Can I just pick up my ChromeBook during Open House? What are other options for pick up.

  • No, the district is using specific times in order to have certain staff members present to assist (trained to use the credit/debit card machine, scan the device to assign it to a specific student, etc.). You may have a family member (with a signed note) pick up the Chromebook. If you are not able to pick up the device one will be issued to the student(s) by the second day of school.